Friday, December 31, 2010

decade's best.

What are the point of finishing a decade without making the decade's best list and yes the decade ended last year but it isn't fun to do it when it's only yesterday. Of course, my passion lies in cinema. So, decade's best movies? Obviously, my list had to include movies that were ignored by the commoners (those who rejected my offer to watch (500) Days of Summer with me won't rejoice when the movie is deemed one of the best romance movies ever, even when it claimed not to be a romance film).

in reverse alphabetical order; some of the latter alphabets deserve to be on the top once in a while :)

The Beach
Requiem for a Dream Jared Leto, Jared Leto. Need I to say more?
Meet the Parents
High Fidelity
Final Destination
Erin Brokovich
Dude, Where's My Car
Coyote Ugly
Almost Famous movie of the decade :)

The Royal Tenenbaums
Riding in Cars with Boys
Ocean's Eleven
Head Over Heels
Bridget Jones' Diary

The Sweetest Thing
The Ring
The Pianist
National Lampoon's Van Wilder simply because it's my first Ryan Reynolds film
Gangs of New York
Catch Me If You Can
28 Days Later what started my zombie obsession. Ironically, the sequel tanked.

Uptown Girls
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
School of Rock
Pirates of the Carribean
Love Actually
Lost in Translation
Finding Nemo best animation ever made
Down With Love
Cold Mountain
Bruce Almighty

Wimbledon first Paul Bettany movie
Wicker Park first Josh Hartnett movie
The Terminal
The Day After Tomorrow first Jake Gyllenhaal movie
Shaun of the Dead best zombie movie ever
Million Dollar Baby
Mean Girls
King Arthur
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harold & Kumar Go to the White Castle best Harold & Kumar movie
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
50 First Dates

Coach Carter
Wedding Crashers best Vince Vaughn movie
Pride and Prejudice
North County
Lords of Dogtown one of Heath Ledger's finest
King's Ransom
Hide and Seek
Fun with Dick and Jane KDK KDK KDK
Cinderella Man
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory it's not here because it's good. It's the Oompa Loompas !
Brokeback Mountain
A Lot Like Love

V for Vendetta
The Prestige one of the finest movies I have ever seen
The Holiday best Jack Black Movie
The Hills Have Eyes
The Descent best chick flick/horror crossover
The Black Dahlia
Stranger Than Fiction best Will Ferrell movie
She's The Man best chick/teen flick ever
Night at the Museum
Lucky Number Slevin
Little Miss Sunshine
How To Eat Fried Worms
Breaking and Entering a Jude Law finest
Accepted it's not that good. It's just that the thought of faking your college acceptance is amusing

The Nanny Diaries
The Kingdom a Jennifer Garner finest
The Bucket List one of the best movies ever made
St. Trinians
Resurrecting the Champ
Planet B-Boy
Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium I am a sucker for huge and magical toy shops
Lars and The Real Girl
Hot Fuzz
Good Luck Chuck
Dead Silence
30 Days of Night

Zack and Miri Make A Porno
Vicky Cristina Barcelona
The Wrestler
The Other Boleyn Girl
The Dark Knight best movie ever ?
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Run Fat Boy, Run
Revolutionary Road
Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist best soundtrack and script, ever !
Marley and Me
Gran Torino best tearjerker
Ghost Town
Get Smart a personal favourite :D
Fool's Gold another personal favourite
Definitely, Maybe
Burn After Reading best Brad Pitt/ George Clooney combination.

Zombieland one of the best zombie movies ever made
Whip It
Where the Wild Things Are a personal favourite
Up In The Air best George Clooney movie
The Proposal
The Hangover best road trip movie
The Brothers Bloom
Pirate Radio
Orphan finest horror movie
Harry Potter and the Half- Blood Prince best Harry Potter of the franchise
Fanboys a tie for best road trip movie
Drag Me To Hell best grandma ever
Away We Go another tie for best road trip movie
An Education
(500) Days of Summer best romance movie


Youth in Revolt
The Town a Ben Affleck and Blake Lively finest
The Runaways
The Crazies
Shutter Island
Scott Pilgrim vs The World movie of the decade for the young ones?
Red best kick- ass old people movie ever!
Kick- Ass
Easy A
Daybreakers best vampire movie
Black Swan Natalie Portman's finest

And yes I am bias. I am inclined to put every Ryan Reynolds, Josh Hartnett and Michael Cera's decent movies in my list. And yes the list grows longer as I grow older, it's just that I watch more movies as I grow. And yes, 2009 is year of the road trip movies. So, there goes and I'm off celebrating the arrival of 2011 with better things.

Current Location: across Harry Potter. again !
Current Mood: annoyed with the itchy eye
Current Music: Harry Potter

oh and best television of the decade is
How I Met Your Mother .
no one could beat the New Jersey-hating, burger searching boys of New York .

hello, 2010.

Call my title ridiculous, I don't care. While everyone is saying 'Hello, 2011', I am going the other way. When else would I ever get the chance to say 'Hello 2010' ever again after today. After all, in 11 more hours, the year will be over and it will be 2011. I found 2010 a rather eventful year compared to others. I am also a decade and a half in 2010.

Gosh, now I feel like posting all of 2010's best moments. Well, here goes. I'll try to go as chronologically correct as I can.

#1 Running in the rain with Izyan while trying to get to school for Kelab Kerjaya.

#2 Disturb Danial trying to do his questionnaire during Kelab Kerjaya.

#3 Merepek during the walk home with Nadrah.

#4 Merepek during Korean class with Nadrah.

#5 Watch Mas escape death and look absurdly cool doing it.

#6 Kawad kaki with the Bomba fellow who has a messed up pronunciation.

#7 Camwhoring at Padang with fellow Bomba members after meet.

#8 Laughed a little way too much when Ustzh said 'tahap cipan' during Agama.

#9 Maths with Izyan and Puan Looi.

#10 KH with Tas, Adilah, Rash, Nina and Lini.

#11 Dance to Super Junior after KH.

#12 Discover Zayed the creep for the first time.

#13 Went to meet U-KISS with Lini and Nadrah.

#14 Being random during the school trip to FRIM.

#15 Discover the tons of things I have in common with Danial.

#16 Win a lot of oyster sauce during the school carnival.

#17 Enjoy wasting Tasmin's stickers.

#18 Discover that Zayed lives around the corner of Adilah's house.

#19 Discover that Zayed stalks girls.

#20 Walk home in fear because of Zayed.

#21 Does the most random scribbling on my test paper.

#22 Discover how weird is it to sit next to Hillary Simon in tuition.

#23 Played Twister with Adam, Hilal and Izyan at Padang Bukit.

#24 Stumbled to Abang Polis in compromising situations while playing Twister.

#25 Realize that PMR is around the corner and still haven't started studying yet.

#26 Going through PMR.

#27 Went to see Paramore.

#28 Spilled water laughing after Paramore.

#29 Look at Rashveen wave and call me but dismiss it as a girl dancing crazily.

#30 Listened to Nina's and my jiwang theme song . Siang malam berkucupan dengan bayangmu.

#31 Listen to Faiz's crazy antics during the bus ride to Genting.

#32 'Warm up' in the fireplace with Adilah and Adam while Izyan danced like a manic.

#33 Listen to Nina blame Izyan before the roller coaster goes downhill.

#34 Have errorr moments with Syafiqah and Sofea.

#35 Answer a phone sex call from Fical with Puan Wong in close vicinity.

#36 Ride the indoor roller coaster way too many times.

#37 Hear Amsyar's gruff shouts.

#38 Avoid the guys we were supposed to meet with Izyan and Nina.

#39 Discover a glow in the dark condom.

#40 Make noise in the Japanese shop in Sunway.

#41 Have hair spasms with Ira during camp.

#42 Not falling asleep with Ira during midnight.

#43 Not stop laughing with Aida during midnight.

#44 Stare at the girl who slept with her eyes half closed.

#45 Watch Fara fall asleep on the floor after falling off her chair.

#46 Discover my penchant for Hadis Istiqamah.

#47 Laughed when Ustz mistakenly thought his mother came to visit him.

#48 Make Doraemon commit suicide into the coke tin and cause a laugh fest.

#49 Play with Takwin and fall on the floor.

#50 Sleep for half an hour during Kuliah.

#51 Not remembering how I end up next to Aida after skipping Qiamullail.

#52 Camwhoring, camwhoring, camwhoring.

Current Location: across the table from Harry Potter
Current Mood: happyhappyhappyyyyyyy
Current Music: Vanessa Paradis- L'incendie

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i am not asking you to stay .

In four days, the school term will start. Part of me is excited; it meant the dull days at home are over and part of me just died. It meant studying, doing homework, attending tuition (and I'm never a fan of tuitions), extra curricular activities, waking up in the morning, showering in the morning. I'm no slob but I'm used to lazing around the house. I'm used to waking up early and flexing my muscles or waking up late and flex em during the afternoon. I'm hardly ever used to waking up early and rush off to face a book for the next 6 hours.

Or face anything really. I mean, am I prepared to face people that early in the morning. Oh wait, yes. What had camp prepared me for? Face people in the morning. Then again, I had the help of m&m's and kisses. Then again, I was never a grumpy morning person. In fact, I'm not even a grumpy person in general.

Right. Now, I'm actually lost as to what am I worrying about. I had two weeks (albeit that those two weeks were two weeks ago, a month even if you started counting from the 28th November) of preparation. In fact, even without preparation, I should never have any qualms to attend school. When did I ever have a problem of waking up early and face people?

Am I just babbling crazily online about something(problem ?) that doesn't even apply to me. Oh gosh, I am losing my mind. Hey, at least I'm not being hung up about boys like usual. It must be the excitement of the school term starting. Excitement, really?

I doubt it.

Well, whatever it is, I would like to see how the first day goes. What class I'll be in since obviously my classmates won't be the same ones that I had since Form 1. It's sad to not see the familiar faces but it's pretty refreshing to be sharing classes with new faces.

Oh, and I took my textbooks today. It wasn't as fun as last years as this time we were offered to take our books (Thanks Pn Zaidaaaah !) instead of being shooed away and resort to sneaking and running around. Funny thing is that, Izyan and I have been using each other's books for the whole year in mistake. We realized that when we were returning our books and the codes don't match.

And after being looked crossly at (really? Now that I think of it, I don't seem to recall what happened), we realize that my codes were her books and vice versa. Isn't that food for thought?

Current Location: above the flowers
Current Mood: happier :)
Current Music: Joe Brooks- Holes Inside

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

will you stop ?

Been listening to Gavy NJ- Sunflower the whole day with Rolling- Jiyeon. I guess that sums up my feelings. I always listen what describes what I feel the best that day and what drifts me away. You can assume I'm sad or depressed or whatever. Maybe I am. Maybe this post will be dedicated to venting my frustration away. Maybe it will. School has been boring lately. Maybe because I'm sick. I have the heat wave flu. Isn't that an interesting snack for your brain to chew? A girl who has lived all her life in a sunny nation gets heat wave fever.

Lyana thinks I'm lovesick because it's been like a really long time since the last time. I didn't want to believe her but the 'Hey' has been the main topic of our conversation for almost two weeks now. It is just legendary. Well, tomorrow I'll have to stay back at school. *sobs* That's not cool, man but I just can't say no. I suppose I lost all my energy thinking and calculating to say no. I am most definitely not talking about Mathematics which I have abandoned the homework to think.

I think I should just drop and now that I'm writing a literary piece solely based on myself and what I feel. I must feel very superior now. I think right now, you know I don't feel any superior than I was at the beginning of the post. I'm getting better at typing though. I should be the person who types in courts but my sister, the future lawyer said that those type of people only exist in America. Gee. There goes my dream career. Keke ^^ <- That chuckling is not real. I didn't even chuckle. In fact, I'm focused at the the song. Making jokes should make you not sympathize me since I hate being sympathized but pointing out my lies sort of backfired.

This should be it. Should I mention that I wrote a Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being A Wallflower-esque writing at school. I was bored so I simply wrote letters to random people. I should scan it like how Lini told me to but maybe later. I'll have to screen it first though. I didn't thought that Hilal would remember about the book. I didn't even realize I was imitating the book until he pointed it out. I'm just not that original.

Current Location: the Depression Period
Current Mood: Is it not obvious ?
Current Music: Gavy NJ- Sunflower

p/s I didn't know Amsyar too likes Polaroid because I obsessed with it and the fella I kept saying I will add on to the list is Kim Jaewook. I'm just too lazy to put up his picture or an eyecandy today.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Niccoló Donati, love?

Finally watched the Lovely Bones and the September Issue ! Both movies were both inspiring and have mind blowing soundtracks. Lovely Bones with Brian Eno's amazing arrangement and the addictive Cocteau Twins' Alice. While the Lovely Bones has songs that brings you soothing melodies especially Brian Eno's ones, the September Issue has an indie- infested soundtrack which all by all, I absolutely love. From the beginning with Ladytron and the final track Oh No Oh My's Be A Star, it was amazing !

Doesn't Elizabeth Fraser (the singer, originated from Scotland which explains the accent) sounds amazing?

This isn't the version I liked. This is the Jenny version. I preferred the version that was in the credits of the film; the September Issue.

While I was looking for the tracklist for the September Issue (it was hard enough to get the tracklist, it was even harder to find a download link as they were all indie and I, obviously, will never even get to see their EP/ LP/ album anywhere), I found an amazing fellow Malaysian who has a passion for fashion and created a ridiculously beautiful pop-up book of Chanel !

Isn't that just beautiful. You can go here for more pictures of his pop-up book.

In the Lovely Bones, the uber-pretty Saoirse Ronan (pronounciation Seer-sha Ronan) starred in the movie. I have to admit she is super pretty even when she was in Atonement. I think the Lovely Bones has not opened yet in Malaysia, no? Well, when it opens, I advise everyone to go watch it because it is such an amazing movie.

And the September Issue is also a must-watch film for everyone out there no matter you are a girl or a guy, fashionably aware or unaware or don't even care. I'm not a fan documentaries and the September Issue one of the documentaries I liked. Along the list are Sicko, Planet B-Boy and March of the Penguins. Those are the few documentaries that I categorized them as fun, interesting and lack the boring qualities of the usual documentaries. Did I mention that they too have nice soundtracks? Next on my movie list; Coco Avant Chanel !

Current Location: surrounded by madness
Current Mood: slightly annoyed
Current Music: the Hot Rats- Drive My Car

p/s I sound so dull with my documentaries and all, no? And I admit myself that even my movie choices are slightly dull. I reckon I should knock myself in the head and watch blockbuster films that teens my age tend to revolve their world around it.

credits; haikalcium lowfat, imdb, youtube