Saturday, January 11, 2014


Assalamualaikum folks! I'm back! Yeah yeah, I've been MIA for a while and peeps (shoots laser beams at Syaza and Jo) have been bugging me to update my blog which is weird because I update you guys on everything! Why (WHY) do you need to read it off here  why would you ehmergerdz. Okay, so a post a year is sufficient right? No? No... Okay, so I apologize. Honestly, it wasn't my fault. Life has been pretty busy and exciting lately that I don't have time to blog. Well, it's a new year now (Hey 2014 whaddup) and boy was 2013 full of ups and downs (more ups, alhamdulillah) and I'm glad it happened. I'm also glad it ended because dang it, 2013 was one hell of a rollercoaster ride.

That aside, last time I blogged, it was the beginning of my semester one in college and now I'm entering semester two (cue wuwiwuwuwu). I'm nervous as hell for semester two because it kinda feels like a make it or break it year (this includes semester three, of course). Probably because my university application depends a lot on these two semesters which means I'm going to have to amplify my efforts. Like a lot. No more fooling around (hah yea I doubt I'm going to stop enjoying life 100% but my life has got to simmer down) and more serious game face on. I have a year and a half left before this IB programme ends and (insyaAllah) pursue my studies abroad. Only a year and a half. Shit. It felt like only yesterday I was in Form Four basking in my first Add Maths test glory. I'll be turning 19 this year and that is only a year away from 20. I could get married if I wanted to (out of topic okay got it). Naturally, every year the same phrase gets uttered "How time flies." Yeah, I feel you, bro. How time flies. More resolutions to not be fullfilled, aye guys?

So, hmm, whaddup with me and my life right? So, so far 2014 has been amazing. Funny how I was such a miserable person back in 2012/2013 but college life changes a person so much that I feel a lot better about myself now. Which is incredible news! I have never felt happier or more fulfilled than I am now. Change is good. Even so, 2014 is bound to be a busy year. I could hear deadlines screaming my name already. EE (Extended Essay)! Maths Exploration! Yearbook! Art portfolio! Cambodia Fundraiser! IA (Internal Assessments)! Real Life Project! TOK Essay/ Presentation! Exams! IELTS! and whatnot. Oh wells, when else am I going to be busy, right?

Current Location: kittyland
Current Mood: hungry for desssssert (one thing my college lacks is dessert!)
Current Music: Down The Burning Ropes- James Vincent McMorrow