Tuesday, January 18, 2011

we'll have to prove them wrong ,

Rashveen Kaur is, I promise you, embarrassing! It's not that I don't like her, I love that bitch to death but she makes me feel embarrassed about twice in a day on average and I'm sure everyone else agrees too.

Why, you may ask?

Like any fine morning, Adilah and I roamed around the school blocks trying to kill time as our Biology teacher skipped town (not really, she was just absent, plain as that). While we were at that, we decided to take the long way to our class and strayed to the third floor where Rashveen's class was at. The janitor (old fellow with a crazy voice!) was on the godknowswhatyoucallit outside the class windows, sweeping up broken windows and all.

I made an innocent joke. what if some scared the shit out of the janitor from the window? He will fall down, of course. What would the headlines of tomorrow's newspaper be? Obviously it will be 'Janitor Scared to Death'. *insert Adilah and I laughing* We were then, joined by Rashveen.

Then, we passed through Izyan's class and her History teacher was in. Adilah goes ahead and said 'She looks like the Wallace & Grommit character!' in which I agreed with and we laughed non- stop. Really, she does look like a Wallace & Grommit character. Then, suddenly !

Rashveen starts to do her hyperventilating laugh. Naturally, Adilah and I thought that she was laughing about the Wallace and Grommit bit. Yeah, NOPE. She wasn't. How did I know that? Well, seconds later, her skinny little finger pointed towards the janitor who had some difficulties hanging onto the window latch and hopping into the balcony and she laughed, SOME MORE! In fact, she couldn't stop laughing at the poor bloke. He eventually succeeds, of course.

Mean? YES. Proud about? HELL NO. Embarassing? Fakk yeah!

But I love her, I do. That story is something that is funny later on when it is being told. Hence, my love for Rashveen Kaur.

Is that the end? NOPE. What else? Here goes.

Last year, all of us (Adilah, Hanina, Izyan, Rashveen, Tasmin and I) were in the same class and somehow, our class is opposite of Manoj's class. Strange twist of fate, my class is still opposite his! Anyway, one fiiiiiiine morning, Rashveen decided to call out his name for Godknowswhat reason and boy looked.

But he never looked our way.

He looked up, down, sideways and all but never at our direction, so he never found the source of the voice. Out of pure evil, Rashveen does it again. 'Manoj!' He never looked at us but boy, did he look pissed and confused at the same time! Somehow, he reminds me of a sun bear! And she did it again and again and again and again and again until I lost count but Manoj never gave up. I'm pretty sure the mystery still lives on.

Anything else I missed about Rashveen? Well, if you ever meet her, make her laugh. You'll never stop laughing at her laugh. Or worry, depending on how you look at it. Her laugh is a little unnatural if not worryingly unnatural. It makes you wonder if she is ever going to die from laughing too much.

Fun things happened today like, winning the match of the lame- ass game; Captain Ball. I contributed to one out of four goals and this week. I was so much more participative today than the last match but surprisingly, even with lack of enthusiasm last week, I still scored one goal too, last week. Witnessed Farid got locked in the sports storage room, I wonder how did he end up trapped in there in the first place as the lock was inside. Finished all my homeworks at school for the first time which resulted in the excess time i have right now.

Walked home with Ridhwan for the first time! Well, Ridhwan and Amir but I have never even spoken a word or more with Ridhwan before. Surprisingly, he looks a teeny weeny bit like Justin Bieber. Hair and facial structure and all. Was absurdly enthusiastic during Add Maths tuition which was uber- surprising. Perhaps it was all the magic of Michelle Branch's songs.

Discovered that lame movies like the Twilight Saga especially, Eclipse are perfectly capable of having mind- blowing soundtracks. Am in lo- lo- lo- lo- love with Cee Lo Green's What Part of Forever, Beck and Bat For Lashes' Let's Get Lost and also Vampire Weekend's Jonathan Low.

Discovered that you should never ever name your children with names that can be turned into Knock, knock jokes . *ehemHusniehem* and on this note, I shall end here.

Current Location: always in Land of Patiently Waiting and Silently Hoping
Current Mood: patiently waiting and silently hoping ?
Current Music: MGMT- Love Always Remains

p/s sucks that I can't go to MGMT simply because the rule states; 18 and above only.

I wouldn't gasp for air if ever I did sink.
I wouldn't struggle, I'd just let it all out fast and then start living in the past.

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